Product Roadmaps and Future Growth

Products change. They evolve. Commercial opportunities arise. We work with our clients to capture ideas for future growth and build a product roadmap. Often, this is driven by us, as business owners can be too busy running their businesses.  We can spot opportunities to grow within their software product. The team often say, ‘wouldn’t it […]

Beautifully Designed Software that puts end users first.

End users first.  That doesn’t quite make sense! But that is exactly where we always start.  What does the end user of the software want to achieve? In agile terms, what are the user stories? Software development can be full of strange analogies; our job at Purple Crane is to simplify them for business owners. […]

The Cost of Technical Debt in Software Development

Cutting Development Costs? Have you been in one of those meetings and seen teams who: Cut corners to meet deadlines? Find solutions to save costs without looking at the long-term impact. It can all lead to debt.  Financial and technical. While it might seem like a quick fix, the long-term impact of technical debt can […]

Software Development and the Dreaded Code Bloat

Code bloat, a common issue in software development, can significantly impact a business by reducing application efficiency and maintainability. It often stems from over-engineering, where developers add unnecessary features or implement overly complex solutions. Copy-paste coding leads to redundant code and increased maintenance efforts. Overusing large libraries or frameworks, which are minimally utilised, bloats the […]